We will offer the following coffee breaks:
Thursday, May 20th, 2021
11.00 - 11.45h (fully booked)
15.00 –15.45h
Friday, May 21st, 2021
11.00 –11.45h (fully booked)
15.00 –15.45h
To save a spot on your preferred date, write us an e-mail at visualstrategists@posteo.de.
Please state your preferred date and time as well as your professional background.
We will then send you a confirmation.
In order to provide the best learning experience for all participants we will keep the groups small. We highly recommend to book in advance.
If you do not feel comfortable with English as a working language, please let us know and we will try to accommodate you. All you need to bring is pen & paper and a cup of coffee (or whatever you like to drink). We are looking forward to taking a closer look with you!
Short Thesis
Train your visual intelligence in 45 minutes. With a selected and scientifically approved method we will guide you in a small group through a fun encounter with an inspiring artwork. While you enjoy the visual pleasure of art your brain doesn’t even notice it is getting an energy boost. But what is visual intelligence? You use it whenever you make decisions based on your analysis of a situation you just witnessed. Our training helps you improve your decision making processes by sharpening your perception skills. After only a few training sessions you can get faster and more on point results. Our method of Visual Thinking not only helps you to assess what you see, but also to communicate what you derive out of it. You will be able to compare what you see to other’s findings and finally be able to balance diverse perspectives into your own thoughts. As shown by various studies and surveys: Being able to take into account various perspectives makes you a better leader and your team’s work more satisfying for all people involved. Interested? Then get a taste of our methods in our Visual Thinking Coffee Break! Join us with open eyes, pen & paper and take a close look.