Debunking fake news with collaboration and AI

Short thesis

Learn about DW's current projects and specially developed tools in this video.


What is a deepfake? Can you use AI to produce false information, and also debunk it? How can I check the authenticity of information myself? Learn about DW's current projects and specially developed tools in this video:

Truly Media, a collaborative verification platform
Digger, a software for detecting deepfakes with a focus on audio manipulations

You will learn how to verify content on your own and in teams - because it's Quiztime!

These are the DW colleagues who will tell you more:

  • Rachel Baig 
    DW fact checker 
  • Julia Bayer 
    Verification expert 
  • Ruben Bouwmeester 
    DW’s innovation team 
  • Joscha Weber 
    DW’s Fact Checking head 

