The Digital Autonomy Hub is a competence center that coordinates an interdisciplinary network of 43 institutes and organizations. The hub will make visible the partners' research and ideas they are developing to strengthen the individual digital sovereignty. The aim of this knowledge transfer is to enable all people to handle their data in a reflective and self-determined way. The competence center prepares current research results for civil society, politics, science and business and advises the various players on ethical, legal and social aspects of data use.
The Digital Autonomy Hub is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and supported by the German Informatics Society (GI) and AlgorithmWatch.
"In The Mean Time", digital applications and devices are more present and more important than ever before. The data we generate and disclose about ourselves is just as all-encompassing. But who is in control, and what new challenges are created by the need for digital solutions? Whether in learning or in communicating with friends and family, apps are now reaching every age group - in retirement homes, at school, or in daycare centers. What rights need to be particularly protected? What do children themselves say, what are their fears and what freedom do they want? Digital vaccination certificates could give us back some of the freedom of movement we have longed for – but only at the price of movement profiles? This mean time shows us that a self-determined and reflective approach to data remains important, especially when digital offers become more and more compelling or even mandatory.
With short expert inputs, we will shed light on two aspects of individual digital sovereignty in particular:
- Digital Vaccine Certificates (Fabio Chiusi, AlgorithmWatch)
- The Right to Privacy: Children between the Need for Protection and the Desire for Freedom (Jutta Croll, Stiftung Digitale Chancen)
In smaller and larger groups, we can then discuss different scenarios and solutions, and network our ideas.
Join our Meet-Up on Friday, May 21, 2021, from 4 to 5 p.m.! Please use the following link: (Meeting-ID: 891 3328 9382; Code: 125966)
Moderation: Elisabeth Schauermann (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.)