Manifestations is an Art, Tech & Fun festival during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, with yearly 35000+ visitors. The edition of Manifestations 2020 was organised online (due to the coronavirus) and reached 170000+ people, 5 times more than the usual physical editions. This shows that the digital festival can also be a great success!
After a year of research, we found out that each target group needs a different platform. A well-visited and easily accessible method for new audiences is live streaming from several platforms or from virtual worlds. This way, the target groups that are new to virtual worlds still have a feeling that they participate. Virtual worlds show unlimited possibilities, but in order to connect well with all different target groups, it is necessary that you choose for open platforms. We captured great insight in reaching different target groups using different platforms including Mozilla Hubs, Sansar, Second Life, AR facefilters, 3D-rooms, Zoom and we would love to share our insights via an online workshop.