The digital world is my home: I have over 20 years of executive experience in corporates as well as startups and the public sector, especially with focus on Mobility and Education, and currently work as a business consultant in the field of intra- and entrepreneurship. My main focus is on the development of economically sustainable digital strategies and business models for impact-oriented products and solutions that have a positive social or ecological effect on our society or the planet. I work also as jury member in startup competitions, lecturer and author.
Creating moments of happiness and making people grow beyond theirselves is my passion. Therefore I am exploring the world as well as the universe and ask for the ‘why’ in our life. I love to experience from different perspectives - to be inspired from the things I see, hear, smell, taste and feel around me and cross their streams to create something new.
My motto: A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are made for.
Julia Holze
Fotostudio Annette Koroll